Welcome to Class!

In this Beginner's Guide to Affinity Designer for iPad V2 class, follow along with Tracey Capone, and explore, and master, the tools in the Export Persona.

Understanding how the Export persona works, provides a quick and easy way to export individual slices of your work, whether they're single layers, artboards, or entire groups. It's a great way to export illustrations for stickers, animations, pattern motifs, digital brush sources, and more!

In this class, you will learn...

  • The Export Persona's user interface

  • The difference between the main export function and the Export Persona

  • What is a slice and what are they for?

  • Two ways to create your slices

  • The various export formats available and when you would want to use them

  • BONUS VIDEO: You will also learn how you can use Designer's Export Persona to isolate, and create slices, out of any object you create, whether they're from another digital app, or scanned analog marks.

Course curriculum

    1. Export Function v Export Persona (Beginner's Guide to Affinity Designer for iPad V2)

    2. Export Persona Interface (Beginner's Guide to Affinity Designer for iPad V2 Export Persona Tracey Capone)

    1. Creating Slices (Beginner's Guide to Affinity Designer for iPad V2)_1

    2. Export Options (Beginner's Guide to Affinity Designer for iPad V2)

    1. Analog Marks and Scans (Beginner's Guide to Affinity Designer V2)

    1. Final Thoughts

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 7 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

What you will need for the class...

  • The Affinity Designer App

    The class will be taught in V2 of the app, however, if you are using V1, the process is the same, so you can easily follow along.

  • An iPad

    The class will be taught in the iPad version of the app, however for desktop users, as long as you know where the tools are located, the process is the same.

  • Something to Export

    Try using both a canvas that has multiple objects on a single layer and one that has multiple objects broken out in to separate layers/groups/artboards.

Your Instructor

Tracey Capone

Instructor & Founder of the Creator Collage

Hi there! I'm Tracey. I'm an illustrator, photographer and designer, located in the Chicagoland area. I've been a full time artist for over a decade, after leaving the corporate world behind in 2011. My work can be found online, and in select stores around the country.

I have been teaching on Skillshare since 2020, where I am proud to be a part of their Top Teacher community. I love teaching, and sharing knowledge and am bringing my same quality classes and teaching style here to the Creator Collage.

In my daily work, I use both iPad and desktop apps from the Affinity Suite, Adobe, and Procreate and bring years of experience in all of the applications.

I believe in learning as much as possible about as many applications as possible; not locking in to one. Doing so not only opens you up to more opportunities, it allows you to "break the rules," and make the applications work the way you need them to.

If you have any questions about my classes, please feel free to let me know in the Discussion section of your class, or by emailing me at [email protected].

I look forward to seeing you in class!